8051 Programs
List of available .asm Programs for 8051 - At89c51
1.Block Transfer - External to Internal
2.8 Bit Addition
3.16 Bit Addition
4.8 Bit Subtraction
5.16 Bit Subtraction
6.Array Addition
7.8 Bit Multiplication
8.8 Bit Division
9.Multiplication - Shift and Add Method
10.Palindrome or Not
11.Fibonacci Sequence
12.Square Root
13.Square of a Number
14.Transpose of a Matrix
15.Matrix Addition
17.Odd or Even
18.Sorting - Descending Order
19.Sorting - Ascending Order
20.Serial Communication
21.Frequency Measurement
22.Sine Wave Generation
23.DC Motor Speed Control
24.Stepper Motor
25.7-Segment Display
26.LED Interfacing
27.DAC Interfacing
28.ADC Interfacing
29.Simple Calculator
30.Scrolling Message on an LCD