Chat Codes :- 1.LG - Let's Go,Yea 2.GS - Get Some 3.HH - A Perfect Fighting Machine 4.CH - Come On,Boy 5.WP - You Wanna Piece Of Me 6.GM - Oh,They Got Me 7.NS - Nice Shot 8.GG - Good Game 9.MO - Move Out 10.CM - Cover Me 11. NN - Nooo 12.RU - Ready Up 13.BI - Bring It
The program is compiled in Keil for 8051 - AT89C51 in assembly language. Program to find square of a number, Flowchart:- Program:- ORG 0000H MOV R0,#50H MOV A,@R0 MOV R2,A MOV RI,#01H CLR A LOOP: ADDC A,R1 INC R1 INC R1 DJNZ R2,LOOP INC R0 MOV @R0,A HERE: SJMP HERE END Output:- For more ASM programs - click here