Auto clicker for neobux adprize - probux progrid - clixsense clixgrid

       Here i will explain some of my ideas for auto clicking neobux adprize , probux progrid & clixsense clixgrid.

STEP 1:-
  • Install opera browser ,it is the most favored one for PTC sites.
  • Add extensions 'ad block plus' and 'auto complete'.
STEP 2:-
STEP 3:-
Open opera browser;

1.For probux
  • Open progrid and close all other tabs.
  • Open progrid.rms and click on the play button.(Advised to record and create your own .rms file)
  • Leave pc for some time.
2.For clixsense
  • Open clixgrid and close all other tabs.
  • Open clixgrid.rms and click on the play button.(Advised to record and create your own .rms file)
  • Leave pc for some time.
3.For neobux
  • Open neobux adprize.
  • Start the autoclick3.0 and adjust interval to 30 secs
  • Then press F8 and wait,always click on the left most side of 'next' button.
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